Current Version

Post questions, comments, suggestions, technical issues, and anything else related to the current version of the product. This is the version that will remain free to everyone for free. For clarity, please use the following terminology:
Requester: the user who initiates the feedback request.
Responders: the users who respond to the Requester's feedback request.
Response Period: the period of time (default 5 days) in which the Responders can fill out the Response Form.
Review Period: the period of time (default 7 days) in which the Requester can view the Response Summary.
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    Discuss any question, concerns, comments, or suggestions pertaining to the operational process (request > response > review). Also comments or suggestions related to the text or instructions on the website or in email notifications.
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    Last post Should minimum number of Resp…
    by MatthewShell View the latest post
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    Discuss which adjectives should be in the free version.
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