Step One
Complete this form and we will send an email request to each of your Responders. Please enter your full name - this is to prevent any ambiguity in who is making this request. We will send you an email to verify that your address is valid before we send feedback requests.
Step Two
Your Responders will each receive an email with a link to the response form; they each have five days to complete it. If fewer than three Responders complete the form, all responses will be deleted and no information is shared (because with fewer than three responders, their identities would be easy to guess).
Step Three
In five days, you will receive an email with a link to view your feedback summary. The summary will show each selected adjective along with a quantity of how many people chose it. Once you have reviewed the response summary, you can either delete it immediately, or it will be deleted automatically after seven days.
Sample Text of Emails We Will Send:
Dear <recepient>, is a free service that allows anyone to ask colleagues and friends to describe their personality and work style. <sender> has asked you and a few other people to do just that.
Please click the link below to respond to this request. <sender> will not know which responses are yours because he/she will only see the combined summary once all responses have been received. The link below is only for you - please do not share it with anyone. It will be active until Tue 3/11 at 9:00pm.
If you would like to request feedback from your collegues, classmates, or friends, please visit
Thank you.
HowWouldYouDescribeMe Team