Stay Informed About Our Kickstarter Campaign:

Why Is Giving And Receiving Feedback Difficult?

Feedback is vital for us to perform our best. And even if you are performing at your best, something about your work style might be preventing your team from performing at its best.

Humans are not robots. We all have our own personality and work style - not to mention our own emotions and ambitions.
Giving Feedback is Difficult

Giving Feedback is Difficult

  • You don't want to hurt the other persons' feelings
  • You don't want to damage your working relationship
  • You don't want to seem like you are attacking the person
  • Difficult conversations held via video conference are even more difficult
Receiving Feedback is Difficult

Receiving Feedback is Difficult

  • You might feel the other person is being unreasonable
  • Difficult to find the right time to request feedback
  • Performance reviews offer generic and unhelpful feedback
  • Never sufficient time to develop friendships among team members

The Process is a feedback request tool that allows Responders to provide semi-anonymous feedback. Requesters and responders only need to fill out a simple form; all the magic happens behind the scenes. The result is that you will receive honest, constructive feedback from the people whose opinions matter most to you.
Request Requester submits a request to a minimum of three responders.
Respond Responders select from lists of adjectives in four categories.
Review Requester sees only a summary of responses (not individual responses).


Take your team's performance to the next level.

Improve Team Performance

Achieve your highest level of performance with regular feedback among members.

Improve Individual Performance

Request feedback from your subordinates, peers, and superiors; consider incorporating it with your MBOs.

Empower Remote Workers

Maintain cohesion among team members despite fewer in-person interactions and reduced non-verbal feedback.

Semi-Anonymous Feedback

Requesters will not see individual responses - only a summary after all feedback has been received.

No One Sees Responses other than Requester

The primary benefit of the tool is that it protects the privacy of requesters and responders.

Multiple Choice Responses

Responders can complete the simple response form in less than two minutes.

Hosted by a Nonprofit

We do not have any investors and we will never be acquired by a for-profit company.

Unlimited Use Free Forever

If you find this tool useful, please use it often and tell your friends & colleagues about it!

No Paid Ads or Content

We will never have paid advertisements on our site; we will never sell your personal data.

Kickstarter Goals

The free version of the tool, which exists today, will remain free. The kickstarter campaign will fund the development of three additional versions. Because we are a nonprofit company, we cannot charge for these premium versions, but we can indicate a suggested donation.

Personal Edition

  • Store feedback as long as you like
  • Set goals and track progress
  • Customize adjectives
  • Adjust Response Period
  • Optionally add custom Yes/No questions

Corporate Edition

$1per request
  • Company can choose responders for each requester
  • We send requests (not relying on employees)
  • Company can add Yes/No questions
  • Company sees only results of Yes/No questions (not adjectives)


(no additional)
  • Translated into multiple languages
  • Same features and pricing as English versions
  • Specify the language for each Responder
  • Change your language selection as often as you like

Could This Tool Eliminate Sexual Harassment?
We think so!

Although the original intent of the tool was to help individuals and teams improve their performance, additional Yes/No questions could be added to accomplish other objectives. An example would be to ask the question "Does this person treat members of the opposite sex inappropriately?" If the HR department initiated feedback requests to their employees using our Corporate Edition, they could optionally add questions such as this. In that case, the HR department would see the quantity of responders who answer Yes and No for each requester.

Anyone who has ever worked at a large corporation has most likely had an encounter with an employee who frequently treats others inappropriately. Even if this behavior is witnessed, it is typically not reported to HR. One reason might be because employees know that if they report such behavior, then HR is going to launch an investigation, they will need witness statements, and that person could end up being fired. Most people would rather say nothing and wait for someone else to speak up.

The feedback request tool changes the entire paradigm. If someone was unwilling to report an incident, they might be willing to answer "Yes" to a question on a semi-anonymous survey (knowing that HR would only see the quantity of Yes and No responses; not the individual responses). If several respondents say one person is behaving inappropriately, HR can provide coaching to that person and notify them that if future responses indicate a pattern, then disciplinary action may be necessary.

The HR department would not see the responses to the adjectives. We feel that it is important that responses are only viewed by the individual to whom the feedback applies, because Responders are unlikely to provide honest feedback if they know their answers will be viewed by anyone other than that person.

Stay Informed About Our Kickstarter Campaign:

Our Mission

To develop and host products and services and make them available to the public at no cost.

Our Promise

Our products will never have paid advertisements or paid content and we will never sell any data we collect. Our only source of funding is donations.

Our Team

For now, I'm a one-man-shop, but if the Kickstarter campaign is successful, I will be looking for individuals who are passionate about the work we do to join our team.
Matthew Shell

Matthew Shell

Founder, CEO

Matthew has worked for over 20 years in Information Technology in both consulting and in-house roles. His primary areas of focus are Cybersecurity, IT Strategy, and IT Project Management. He earned a BS degree from the University of Maryland in 1997 and an MBA from Duke University in 2011. While he has never worked in a software development role, he likes to tinker with fun little projects. He firmly believes that will help individuals and teams improve their performance.